2009. június 16., kedd
2009. június 10., szerda
2009. június 9., kedd
Auction during the exhibition - is over!

This is our 200 Ft titled oil painting, just like the real Hungarian money at vatera.hu auction site, at 200 Ft starting price.
2009. május 28., csütörtök
The exhibition has opened, the painting is sold

The picture is bought by Esterházy Private Foundation. The 789.279 forint transfer is succesfully sent on the day of the opening.
2009. május 12., kedd
28 May 2009 19.00 The exhibition

The exhibition, open from 29 May to 26 June features the title painting itself as the central piece, some additional works made with different techniques that help to unfold the symbol system of the painting, a documentary about the project, some paraphrases of the prefigurations of the painting and some of our congenial works (made with the “magic pencil technique”) as well.
The PDF catalogue of the exhibition is HERE.
2009. április 21., kedd
The picture

The painting is 150x200 cm, mixed technique (ink, felt tip pen, nail polish, aquarel, enamel paint, oil, acrylic) on canvas. It shows a number; the exact amount of our debt, where each digit represents something from the period when I was pulling the loan. The price of the picture is this very number, exactly 789.279 forints. We are planning to pay off the debt solely by selling this picture.
"The painting was created out of remorse in the summer of 2008. Up till that point me and my husband, János Borsos were trying to cope with paying the monthly installments of the debt, that has grown into a substantial amount by this time, but the minimal monthly payments were not enough even to keep it on the same level. We were looking for a more efficient solution, so I could face my parents also, since they had no knowledge whatsoever of this little mistake of mine. It was a mistake indeed, as I did not need the money, my family was supporting me financially throughout college. I did not spend it on useful things, especially not on my education. I just thought why not apply for it, it was a way out of parental supervision, a fake feeling of freedom. I spent most of it on entertainment.

"Everything is possible for the person who believes!”*

The philosophy of the project is analogue to the polish cartoon, the "Magic Pencil" of the 80’s, in which the protagonist in need just drew the objects he needed and they became real. This depicting included any object, there were no restrictions. The protagonist could materialize any of his drawings. Lőrinc Borsos believes that this technology works in real life as well. With his works he intends to fulfill his basic needs: paying back his debt, winning artistic and other support, using human resources and hi-tech devices. More info on Lőrinc Borsos blog.
* Jesus (Mk 9,23)
Radio interviews (in hungarian language)
KOSSUTH RADIO THE 13th of may 2009
The 28th of may - REPRISE
The symbol system of the digits
Upon choosing the pattern historical adherence and credibility was very important, as well as a visible progression from left to right.
A wide variety of colorful LSD stamps. An artificial world, offering the possibility to live the magic that is long absent from reality.
"the dot is a tribute to the emblem of "The Corporation" art-organization. This organization played a very important role in my life. Their works and our collaborations were very inspiring.
"The Corporation art-organization was founded by four art students;

An excerpt from the manifesto of The Corporation.
a few The Corp. opuses:
pao: "a zagyak a zabsztaktcii"
pao: "afga reality nonwerbaal1"
hosszu: "the corp. milles brudermeister remix"
Darkness, hopelessness, failure.Things have gone wrong. ggggggggg
garbage: "kajapara", food miseries. Taking pictures of the constantly growing and changing garbage heaps in the apartment became a regular activity. It is the documentation, the imprint of our lifestyle at that time. We never cooked, we were living off junk food, and we completely neglected ourselves and our environment. The randomness and disorder everywhere has grown to be the main impact on us.

"A painted Chinese paper cut-out of a bat. This colorful, fragile and a little bit ugly demon figure was my favorite motif at that time, as it was floating above the "nothingnothingnothing" written on the wall.
Neon color: the turning point. conversion-rebirth. 9 RESTART
Labyrinth, escaping from the trap. The anticipated happy ending: By selling the picture we will be able to pay back the debt.
"everybody is very happy, everybody is all right!”(a typical sms from Misi when he is looking after our chinchillas in our absence)